4 results for author: Eddie Petryshen

Our Sacred Spaces Are Natural Spaces: Joe Pierre Interview Part 3

In part one of our three part interview series with ʔaq̓am Chief Joe Pierre, Joe spoke about the importance of water, stories and respecting all living things to the Ktunaxa people. In part two, Joe gave us a detailed look at Qat’muk and what this sacred place means to him and the Ktunaxa.In part 3, Joe details what a sacred space means to him, and what the Supreme court case could mean for Ktunaxa, Qat’muk and indigenous sacred spaces across Canada.Eddie Petryshen: Do you have anything you’d like to say to the nearly 60,000 people from around the world who have signed the petition supporting the Qat’muk declaration and calling for ...

All Living Things: Our Qat’muk Interview with Ktunaxa Storyteller Joe Pierre – Part 1

In my eyes, Joe Pierre has always been a mountain of a man. He was my basketball coach and I remember his slender 6’6 frame towering over elementary-school hoops and his composed voice echoing through the weathered floors of Amy Woodland Elementary in Cranbrook.  So it’s only fitting that we’re back on that same weathered floor for an interview about the fight to protect Qat’muk—to keep Jumbo wild. Joe is a Ktunaxa storyteller, works as an educator with the school district and is the Chief of ʔaq'am (St. Mary’s Band, near Cranbrook).The conversation we have is powerful. We talk about his people's history—the Ktunaxa have lived ...


Eddie Petryshen (Jumbo Wild) interviews Mungo Tennant, the founder of Montesogno, an inspired apparel company that recently designed and donated beautiful sweatshirts to the Jumbo Wild cause. Find out what inspired him to get involved.Eddie Petryshen: Could you tell everyone a little bit out your brand or company?  Mungo Tennant: I started Montesogno just under two years ago because I wanted to step outside my everyday business world and do something that had a different perspective and felt rewarding in another way. I have always been passionate about animals and conservation and the interlinked aspects. I have been an admirer of good ...

Annual Jumbo Wild Hike: Aug. 20

The last few months have been amazing for Jumbo and there is lots to celebrate. In June of 2015, the Environmental Assessment Certificate for Jumbo Glacier Resort expired and the BC Minister of the Environment ruled that the project "has not been substantially started." In October of 2015, Sweetgrass Productions released the documentary Jumbo Wild to international acclaim. In December, the Ktunaxa Nation will be taking the fight to protect Qat'muk/Jumbo to the Supreme Court.Join us on Saturday, August 20th for a hike through the alpine larches and wildflowers of Jumbo Pass. We will be celebrating a wild Jumbo Valley. We will gather at Kicking ...