Speak Out Against the Jumbo Official Community Plan
The Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality's (JGMRM) Official Community Plan is “…intended to reflect the long term vision of the community.” Whose vision? What community? The JGMRM has no residents and an appointed mayor, and council and is funded by $200,000 of BC taxpayer dollars every year.Please take action and join us on June 16 to speak out against this process - how can you create and adopt an OCP when you have no community?! Who should come? YOU! “All persons who consider themselves affected by the adoption of the proposed OCP” – that’s ...
Substantial Start? We think not.
When the Jumbo Glacier Resort was given its Environmental Certificate (EC) in 2004, it had 5 years to start construction. After a one-time extension in 2009, the EC was set to expire on October 12, 2014. Glacier Resorts needed to "substantially start" the project by this date, complying with the nearly 200 conditions attached to the EC.Since October, we have been working hard to ensure that the government understands how little has been done so far. Wildsight and the Jumbo Creek Conservation Society are working with Ecojustice and during the past 8 months have made ...
Environmental Assessment Office Determines Jumbo Glacier Resort in Non-compliance with Permit Condition
The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) has issued a determination that Jumbo Glacier Resorts Ltd. is not compliant with the condition of its certificate that requires that ”…residential and commercial structures will be located completely outside the avalanche hazard area.”After more than twenty years of controversy, Jumbo Glacier Resorts Ltd (GRL) must demonstrate that the project is “substantially started”. The Minister of Environment has yet to make this determination.Autumn Cousins, EAO Manager of Compliance, stated in her correspondence with the ...
Jumbo Resort “foundations” located in Avalanche Path, says new report
Immediately prior to expiration of Jumbo Glacier Resort’s environmental approval, two small cement slabs were poured in an attempt to demonstrate that work on the proposed development was substantially started. These slabs apparently represent the day lodge and an additional service building. Currently, BC Environment Minister, Mary Polak, is making a decision as to whether the construction of the proposed $600 million dollar venture can be considered “substantially started.” Any development must meet conditions set out by the Environmental Assessment Certificate. ...
On November 15, BC voted. Except in Jumbo, BC's only town without residents. Without an election, why couldn't you be appointed mayor?We asked you to submit your selfies declaring yourself as mayor and wow, did you ever! Sit back and prepare to be inspired.Watch the video here.
JCCS AGM: Chasing Rabbits with Brad Wrobleski
After completing an audit of Glacier Resort's compliance to their Environmental Certificate commitments, the Environmental Assessment Office found Glacier Resorts to be in non-compliance with some of their pre-construction commitments.Jumbo Creek Conservation Society’s AGM on Thursday, Nov 20, at David Thompson Secondary school’s theatre is bound to be an eye-opening evening.Attendees will be brought up to date on the latest developments, or rather, non-developments that were meticulously documented by the Jumbo Wild monitoring team at the heart of Jumbo Valley ...
Conservation Groups say Jumbo Glacier Resort Cannot Legally Proceed
Jumbo Creek Conservation Society and Wildsight have, with the assistance of Ecojustice, made submissions to the Environmental Assessment Office that will help determine whether Glacier Resorts Ltd.’s Environmental Certificate is still valid. If valid, the Certificate allows the company to build their proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort. The issue hinges on the question of whether the project was substantially started within the allotted 10-year time period.Ecojustice staff lawyer Morgan Blakley is representing the two non-profit organizations, both of which are based in ...
Across BC, we are heading to the polls to elect our local governments. But not in Jumbo. In Jumbo Municipality, there will be no election. Jumbo Municipality is an affront to the democratic traditions of our country.Since there are no elections, why can’t you be the mayor of Jumbo? Make a sign, take a photo and declare yourself for mayor of Jumbo then share it on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, everything goes. Remember to tag it #democracyforjumbo. Help us spread the word. This is bigger than Jumbo, this is democracy at stake.
Avalanche Risk Exposed
Amidst hurried construction attempts, the location of the daylodge in the Jumbo Valley was changed at the last minute. RK Heliski has brought forward significant public safety concerns about the location of the daylodge. With more than 44 years experience in the Jumbo Valley, RK Heliski knows the avalanche terrain like nobody else.Their extensive documentation puts the new location of the daylodge at significant risk from a class four avalanche. You can read their full submission here. And if you want to see what a big avalanche looks like, have a watch here.The ...
Jumbo: No Substance
October 12 was a landmark date in the ongoing Jumbo saga. It was the date that I, and many others, have been awaiting for five years. At 11:59pm on October 12, the Environmental Certificate for the Jumbo Glacier Resort expired. Maybe. Over the course of the past 24 years, there have been a lot of landmark dates and landmark decisions. The question is always: what does this mean? What now? Here’s my take on where we're at and where we're going.
Jumbo Glacier Resort Environmental Certificate
The Environmental Certificate (EC) for the JGR was issued in 2004 after a ...